
Download from search result

The data could be downloaded from the Show page with the genes/proteins expression table correspongding to the search result. The results could be saved as a CSV file clicking on the "Export" button.

Downloadable datasets

1. Transcriptome dataset
Transcript expression levels summarized per gene in different tissues of human and mouse (testis, epididymis caput, corpus, cauda, sperm) based on RNA-seq and Microarray. The tab-separated file includes SperMD Entry, Gene symbol, Organism part, Protocol, Normalization, Expression and Data information.

2. Proteome dataset
Expression profiles for proteins in different tissues of human and mouse (testis, epididymis caput, corpus, cauda, epididymosome, sperm, semen) based on LC-MS/MS. The tab-separated file includes SperMD Entry, Gene symbol, Organism part, Protocol, Normalization, Abundance and Data information.

3. Metabolome dataset
Expression profiles for metabolite in human tissues (sperm and seminal plasma) based on Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS). The tab-separated file includes SperMD Entry, Metabolite Name, FoldChage, Organism part, Protocol and Data information.