Adverse Drug Reaction Classification System

ADR Ontology
ADR Term Hirsutism
ADR Hierarchy
05      Endocrine disorders
05.05      Endocrine disorders of gonadal function
05.05.01      Female gonadal function disorders      Hirsutism
23      Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders
23.02      Skin appendage conditions
23.02.04      Hypertrichoses      Hirsutism
Description A disorder characterized by the presence of excess hair growth in women in anatomic sites where growth is considered to be a secondary male characteristic and under androgen control (beard, moustache, chest, abdomen). [CTCAE] A condition observed in WOMEN and CHILDREN when there is excess coarse body hair of an adult male distribution pattern, such as facial and chest areas. It is the result of elevated ANDROGENS from the OVARIES, the ADRENAL GLANDS, or exogenous sources. The concept does not include HYPERTRICHOSIS, which is an androgen-independent excessive hair growth. [MeSH]
MedDRA Code 10020112
MeSH ID D006628
ADR Severity Grade (FAERS)
ADR Severity Grade (CTCAE)
Hirsuitism | Hirsutism | Idiopathic hirsutism
Drugs Leading to the ADR
Drug IDDrug NameADR Frequency (FAERS)ADR Severity Grade (FAERS)
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