Adverse Drug Reaction Classification System

ADR Ontology
ADR Term Tooth abscess
ADR Hierarchy
07      Gastrointestinal disorders
07.09      Dental and gingival conditions
07.09.01      Dental and periodontal infections and inflammations      Tooth abscess
11      Infections and infestations
11.01      Infections - pathogen unspecified
11.01.04      Dental and oral soft tissue infections      Tooth abscess
Description Localized circumscribed purulent area of inflammation in the periodontal tissue. It is a derivative of marginal periodontitis and commonly associated with suprabony and infrabony pockets and interradicular involvements, in contrast to periapical abscess which is attributable to pulp necrosis. [MeSH]
MedDRA Code 10044016
MeSH ID D010508
ADR Severity Grade (FAERS) Not Available
ADR Severity Grade (CTCAE) Not Available
Abscess dental | Abscess paradontal | Abscess periodontal | Dental abscess | Periapical abscess with sinus | Periapical abscess without sinus | Periapical dental abscess | Periodontal abscess | Root abscess | Tooth abscess | Dentoalveolar abscess | Dental phlegmon | Periodontal Abscess | Abscess, Periodontal | Abscesses, Periodontal | Periodontal Abscesses
Drugs Leading to the ADR
Drug IDDrug NameADR Frequency (FAERS)ADR Severity Grade (FAERS)
BADD_D02329Valproic acid--
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