Adverse Drug Reaction Classification System

ADR Ontology
ADR Term Intensive care unit acquired weakness
ADR Hierarchy
15      Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders
15.05      Muscle disorders
15.05.05      Myopathies      Intensive care unit acquired weakness
17      Nervous system disorders
17.09      Peripheral neuropathies
17.09.01      Acute polyneuropathies      Intensive care unit acquired weakness
Description Diseases of multiple peripheral nerves simultaneously. Polyneuropathies usually are characterized by symmetrical, bilateral distal motor and sensory impairment with a graded increase in severity distally. The pathological processes affecting peripheral nerves include degeneration of the axon, myelin or both. The various forms of polyneuropathy are categorized by the type of nerve affected (e.g., sensory, motor, or autonomic), by the distribution of nerve injury (e.g., distal vs. proximal), by nerve component primarily affected (e.g., demyelinating vs. axonal), by etiology, or by pattern of inheritance. [MeSH]
MedDRA Code 10077255
MeSH ID D011115
ADR Severity Grade (FAERS)
ADR Severity Grade (CTCAE) Not Available
Critical illness polyneuropathy | Intensive care neuropathy | Critical illness myopathy | Intensive care unit acquired weakness | ICU acquired weakness | Critical illness polyneuromyopathy | Polyneuropathies | Polyneuropathy | Polyneuropathy, Motor | Motor Polyneuropathies | Motor Polyneuropathy | Polyneuropathies, Motor | Polyneuropathy, Familial | Familial Polyneuropathies | Familial Polyneuropathy | Polyneuropathies, Familial | Polyneuropathy, Inherited | Inherited Polyneuropathies | Inherited Polyneuropathy | Polyneuropathies, Inherited | Polyneuropathy, Acquired | Acquired Polyneuropathies | Acquired Polyneuropathy | Polyneuropathies, Acquired | Polyneuropathy, Critical Illness | Critical Illness Polyneuropathies | Critical Illness Polyneuropathy | Polyneuropathies, Critical Illness
Drugs Leading to the ADR
Drug IDDrug NameADR Frequency (FAERS)ADR Severity Grade (FAERS)
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