Adverse Drug Reaction Classification System

Pharmaceutical Information
Drug Name Alprazolam
Drug ID BADD_D00085
Description Alprazolam is a triazolobenzodiazepine indicated for the treatment of anxiety and panic disorders.[L34783, L34788] It is mainly metabolized by CYP3As and so is contraindicated with CYP3A inhibitors like ketoconazole and itraconazole.[L34783, L34788] Benzodiazepine treatment should be stopped gradually by tapering down a patient's dose to avoid withdrawal symptoms.[A18125] Alprazolam's adverse effects are generally related to the sedation it can cause.[A18125] Alprazolam has been mixed with alcohol as a drug of abuse to potentiate the sedative effects of the drug which may lead to coma and death.[A18125] Alprazolam was given FDA approval on October 16, 1981.[L6148]
Indications and Usage Alprazolam is indicated for the acute treatment of generalized anxiety disorder in adults.[L34783] Alprazolam is also indicated, either as a standard or extended-release formulation, for the treatment of panic disorder with or without agoraphobia in adults.[L34783, L34788] Alprazolam may also be prescribed off-label for insomnia, premenstrual syndrome, and depression.[A177973]
Marketing Status approved; illicit; investigational
ATC Code N05BA12
DrugBank ID DB00404
KEGG ID D00225
MeSH ID D000525
PubChem ID 2118
NDC Product Code 72789-151; 49452-0295; 0009-0055; 45865-972; 49884-213; 0228-2039; 0228-3084; 53002-3952; 59762-3719; 60760-550; 63187-966; 68071-2220; 68071-5243; 68788-7595; 70518-2870; 70518-3763; 71335-1386; 71335-1669; 71335-9666; 71335-9667; 71610-696; 72189-213; 0228-2031; 65862-678; 49884-110; 51991-706; 0228-3086; 53002-0340; 59762-0066; 59762-3722; 60760-678; 65862-677; 67296-1748; 68071-2976; 68788-7596; 0054-3068; 71205-652; 71335-0849; 71335-1576; 71335-1839; 72189-240; 72789-313; 0781-1079; 80425-0110; 42816-0055; 42816-0094; 65862-454; 65862-457; 71554-013; 59762-0057; 61919-005; 63187-444; 63187-445; 63187-916; 65162-813; 68071-2965; 71205-284; 71205-718; 71335-1907; 65162-810; 71335-1291; 71610-112; 0615-8295; 0228-2029; 12780-4630; 64330-013; 0009-0068; 49884-214; 50090-2819; 50090-5258; 0228-2027; 51991-705; 51991-707; 59762-3721; 65862-676; 67296-0757; 67544-414; 68071-2236; 68071-2794; 70518-3259; 70954-510; 71205-614; 71335-1894; 72189-121; 72189-450; 0781-1061; 12828-0040; 42816-0029; 42816-0057; 0009-0057; 0009-0059; 43063-609; 45865-424; 50090-5262; 0228-4019; 0228-4022; 55700-929; 59762-0059; 59762-3720; 63187-443; 65862-456; 68071-2292; 68071-4831; 70954-509; 70954-511; 71205-227; 71335-1477; 80425-0161; 0009-5144; 42816-0090; 65015-634; 65862-679; 0009-0066; 50090-5078; 51991-704; 0228-3083; 67544-415; 68071-5263; 68788-8410; 70518-2785; 70518-3730; 0781-1077; 80425-0099; 80425-0100; 80425-0284; 42816-0059; 42816-0066; 42816-0068; 63187-518; 68071-5113; 68071-5128; 68788-7613; 68788-9682; 71335-1092; 71610-113; 72789-042; 83008-010; 65862-455; 0009-0029; 0009-0090; 45865-993; 49884-111; 0228-4024; 63187-971; 65162-809; 65162-812; 68788-7594; 68788-8394; 71335-2133; 71335-9660; 49999-252; 50090-2896; 50090-5261; 63187-225; 67544-347; 68071-2966; 68788-8414; 70954-508; 71335-0427; 71335-0920; 71335-1129; 72162-1059; 72789-024; 72789-328; 0781-1089; 57218-312; 0009-0094; 0228-3087; 0228-4025; 53002-4181; 55289-523; 59762-0068
Synonyms Alprazolam | Alprazolan | Trankimazin | U-31,889 | U31,889 | Xanax | Alprox | Esparon | Cassadan | D-65MT | D65MT | Kalma | Novo-Alprazol | Novo Alprazol | Nu-Alpraz | Nu Alpraz | Ralozam | Tafil | Apo-Alpraz | Apo Alpraz
Chemical Information
Molecular Formula C17H13ClN4
CAS Registry Number 28981-97-7
Chemical Structure
ADRs Induced by Drug
*The priority for ADR severity classification is based on FAERS assessment, followed by the most severe level in CTCAE rating. If neither is available, it will be displayed as 'Not available'.
**The 'Not Available' level is hidden by default and can be restored by clicking on the legend twice..
ADR Term ADReCS ID ADR Frequency (FAERS) ADR Severity Grade (FAERS) ADR Severity Grade (CTCAE)
Cerebral disorder17.02.10.0170.000029%Not Available
Dysphemia19.19.03.005; Available
Foetal death18.01.02.003;
Fluid intake reduced14.05.10.0010.000043%Not Available
Faecaloma07.01.03.0040.000029%Not Available
Cutaneous lupus erythematosus23.03.02.008;; Available
Anxiety disorder19.06.01.0020.000062%Not Available
Cognitive disorder19.21.02.001;
Major depression19.15.01.003--Not Available
Toxic skin eruption10.01.01.008;; Available
Muscle relaxant therapy25.16.01.001--Not Available
Disturbance in sexual arousal19.08.04.003--Not Available
Angiopathy24.03.02.007--Not Available
Hepatic enzyme increased13.03.04.028--Not Available
Hot flush24.03.01.005;;
Appetite disorder19.09.01.002; Available
Breast disorder21.05.04.004--Not Available
Cardiac disorder02.11.01.003--Not Available
Connective tissue disorder15.06.01.006; Available
Impulse-control disorder19.18.01.002--Not Available
Infestation23.11.01.002; Available
Libido disorder21.03.02.006; Available
Malnutrition14.03.02.004--Not Available
Mediastinal disorder22.09.03.001--Not Available
Mental disorder19.07.01.002--Not Available
Motor dysfunction17.01.02.031; Available
Partial seizures17.12.03.0100.000049%Not Available
Abnormal behaviour19.01.01.0010.000307%Not Available
Decreased appetite14.03.01.005;
Feeling of body temperature change08.01.09.012--Not Available
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Drug Name ADR Term Target
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