Adverse Drug Reaction Classification System

Pharmaceutical Information
Drug Name Aluminum chloride hexahydrate
Drug ID BADD_D00089
Description Aluminum chloride is a chemical compound with the chemical formula AlCl3. When contaminated with iron chloride, it often displays a yellow color compared to the white pure compound. It is used in various chemical applications as a Lewis base, with anhydrous aluminium trichloride being the most commonly used Lewis acid. It may also be found in over-the-counter as an antiperspirant or prescription products as an antihemorrhagic agent. In antiperspirant products, FDA approves the use of aluminum chloride as an active ingredient up to 15%, calculated on the hexahydrate form, in an aqueous solution nonaerosol dosage form [L2012].
Indications and Usage - Indicated for the control of minor hemorrhage during dental restorative procedures. - Indicated to reduce underarm perspiration.
Marketing Status approved; investigational
ATC Code Not Available
DrugBank ID DB11081
KEGG ID D02845
MeSH ID D000077410
PubChem ID 24564
TTD Drug ID Not Available
NDC Product Code 76118-0003
Synonyms Aluminum Chloride | Aluminum Trichloride | AlCl3 | Aluminum Chloride, Anhydrous | Anhydrous Aluminum Chloride | Aluminum Chloride Hexahydrate | Drysol
Chemical Information
Molecular Formula AlCl3H12O6
CAS Registry Number 7784-13-6
SMILES O.O.O.O.O.O.[Al](Cl)(Cl)Cl
Chemical Structure
ADRs Induced by Drug
*The priority for ADR severity classification is based on FAERS assessment, followed by the most severe level in CTCAE rating. If neither is available, it will be displayed as 'Not available'.
**The 'Not Available' level is hidden by default and can be restored by clicking on the legend twice..
ADR Term ADReCS ID ADR Frequency (FAERS) ADR Severity Grade (FAERS) ADR Severity Grade (CTCAE)
Rash23.03.13.001--Not Available
Skin irritation23.03.04.009--Not Available
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