Adverse Drug Reaction Classification System

Pharmaceutical Information
Drug Name Aripiprazole
Drug ID BADD_D00165
Description Aripiprazole is an atypical antipsychotic orally indicated for treatment of schizophrenia, bipolar I, major depressive disorder, irritability associated with autism, and Tourette's[Label]. It is also indicated as an injection for agitation associated with schizophrenia or bipolar mania[Label]. Aripiprazole exerts its effects through agonism of dopaminic and 5-HT1A receptors and antagonism of alpha adrenergic and 5-HT2A receptors[Label,A4393]. Aripiprazole was given FDA approval on November 15, 2002[L6136].
Indications and Usage Aripiprazole is indicated for manic and mixed episodes associated with bipolar I disorder, irritability associated with autism spectrum disorder, treatment of schizophrenia, treatment of Tourette's disorder, and as an adjunctive treatment of major depressive disorder[Label]. An injectable formulation of aripiprazole is indicated for agitation associated with schizophrenia or bipolar mania[Label].
Marketing Status approved; investigational
ATC Code N05AX12
DrugBank ID DB01238
KEGG ID D01164
MeSH ID D000068180
PubChem ID 60795
NDC Product Code 82009-090; 12658-0524; 46602-0009; 46602-0102; 46602-1030; 46602-1032; 49706-1889; 13668-219; 16729-279; 16729-280; 29300-176; 29300-179; 31722-820; 31722-829; 33342-126; 43547-302; 43598-969; 46708-260; 59148-031; 59148-033; 59148-114; 60505-2677; 60687-157; 65162-896; 65162-898; 67877-431; 68071-2705; 68382-083; 70518-3692; 71335-1515; 71335-1893; 72865-156; 76483-103; 82009-091; 0904-6512; 46602-1034; 53747-031; 65691-0052; 65841-140; 65862-680; 68554-0020; 13668-217; 27241-051; 31722-819; 31722-920; 31722-921; 43353-147; 43353-148; 43547-305; 48433-115; 48433-119; 50228-478; 59148-006; 59148-011; 59148-034; 59148-102; 60505-2674; 65162-899; 65862-664; 65862-666; 67877-435; 68382-439; 69452-339; 70518-2643; 70518-2736; 70518-2820; 70518-2869; 70771-1451; 72578-106; 76483-102; 0904-6656; 46602-0026; 65372-1121; 65862-661; 65862-663; 69037-0058; 27241-052; 27241-053; 27241-054; 31722-830; 33342-125; 48433-117; 50090-4800; 50268-091; 50268-092; 59148-009; 59148-019; 60687-168; 62332-097; 65162-893; 65162-897; 68788-7808; 70518-2515; 70518-2557; 70518-2825; 70518-2974; 70518-3090; 70771-1452; 71335-1832; 71428-018; 72189-476; 53808-1101; 59148-007; 59148-010; 59148-045; 60505-2673; 63739-074; 63739-078; 63739-413; 65162-902; 65862-662; 67877-434; 70518-2508; 70518-2584; 71205-392; 71335-1903; 72865-182; 72865-185; 76483-100; 0904-6511; 0904-6513; 46602-1029; 63415-0085; 13668-220; 16714-142; 16729-282; 16729-283; 43598-559; 43598-966; 46708-257; 46708-258; 50090-3941; 50090-4665; 50090-6563; 50228-326; 59148-008; 60505-2675; 60687-191; 60687-202; 60687-213; 62332-101; 63187-965; 63629-7774; 63739-069; 68382-084; 70518-2536; 70771-1454; 71205-480; 71335-1980; 72189-455; 72189-456; 72865-157; 72865-180; 82009-089; 12658-0602; 46602-1031; 50370-0009; 53104-7628; 13668-216; 16714-145; 29300-178; 43598-556; 43598-968; 46708-261; 50228-476; 50228-477; 50268-089; 50268-090; 59148-018; 59148-032; 60505-2676; 60505-3075; 62332-098; 62332-103; 65162-901; 67877-433; 70518-2827; 0615-8375; 72865-183; 76282-044; 76282-045; 76483-101; 12658-0599; 12828-0088; 46602-0006; 46602-0025; 58032-2005; 72761-020; 13668-221; 16714-143; 16729-278; 16729-281; 27241-055; 31722-919; 31722-922; 31722-924; 43598-557; 46708-259; 48433-120; 59148-029; 59651-110; 62332-102; 68382-085; 68788-7006; 68788-7063; 68788-7733; 68788-7749; 68788-8089; 70518-0970; 70518-2580; 70518-2958; 70771-1455; 72865-153; 72865-155; 72865-181; 82009-088; 0904-6510; 12658-0577; 46602-1033; 50370-0044; 50370-0055; 29300-175; 29300-180; 43547-303; 43547-304; 43598-554; 43598-965; 43598-970; 46708-255; 50090-6063; 50228-325; 50228-475; 60505-0404; 65862-665; 69452-338; 70518-2567; 70771-1453; 70771-1456; 71335-1513; 72865-184; 76282-048; 0904-6514; 12658-0542; 46602-0010; 46602-0072; 58623-0127; 65096-0107; 16714-146; 33342-122; 33342-127; 43353-140; 43547-306; 43598-967; 46708-256; 48433-116; 50090-6403; 60687-179; 62332-099; 63739-070; 66689-735; 67877-430; 67877-432; 68382-086; 70518-1295; 70518-2806; 70518-2950; 71335-1682; 71335-1892; 72578-107; 72865-154; 72888-100; 76282-047; 76282-049; 46602-0007; 46602-0008; 46602-0045; 46602-0114; 59116-2900; 59116-2901; 67835-0009; 68554-0095; 76072-1002; 13668-218; 29300-177; 31722-828; 33342-123; 33342-124; 43547-307; 46708-254; 50228-329; 50268-088; 54838-570; 62332-100; 62332-104; 63629-7108; 68071-2676; 68071-2708; 68382-082; 70518-2765; 70518-2897; 70518-2921; 70518-3380; 71335-1687; 71335-1935; 72189-466; 72865-158; 76282-046; 0904-6509; 12658-0576; 12658-0601; 14445-019; 46602-0011; 64220-112; 16714-141; 16714-144; 16714-785; 27241-056; 31722-827; 31722-923; 43353-180; 43598-555; 43598-558; 48433-118; 50090-5839; 50090-6409; 50228-324; 50228-327; 50228-328; 50228-479; 50228-480; 50268-087; 59148-030; 59148-072
Synonyms Aripiprazole | 7-(4-(4-(2,3-dichlorophenyl)-1-piperazinyl)butyloxy)-3,4-dihydro-2(1H)-quinolinone | Aripiprazol | Abilify | OPC 14597 | OPC-14597
Chemical Information
Molecular Formula C23H27Cl2N3O2
CAS Registry Number 129722-12-9
Chemical Structure
ADRs Induced by Drug
*The priority for ADR severity classification is based on FAERS assessment, followed by the most severe level in CTCAE rating. If neither is available, it will be displayed as 'Not available'.
**The 'Not Available' level is hidden by default and can be restored by clicking on the legend twice..
ADR Term ADReCS ID ADR Frequency (FAERS) ADR Severity Grade (FAERS) ADR Severity Grade (CTCAE)
Duodenal ulcer07.04.02.002--
Dysphoria19.04.02.0040.000396%Not Available
Dystonia17.01.03.0010.004597%Not Available
Ear disorder04.03.01.001--Not Available
Ear pain04.03.01.003--
Eating disorder19.09.01.008; Available
Ecchymosis24.07.06.002;; Available
Ectopic pregnancy18.02.02.0020.000119%Not Available
Ejaculation delayed21.03.01.0010.000198%Not Available
Ejaculation disorder21.03.01.002--
Ejaculation failure21.03.01.003--Not Available
Electrocardiogram abnormal13.14.05.001--Not Available
Electrocardiogram QT prolonged13.14.05.004--
Electrocardiogram ST segment abnormal13.14.05.017--Not Available
Electrocardiogram T wave amplitude decreased13.14.05.006--Not Available
Electrocardiogram T wave inversion13.14.05.007--Not Available
Embolism venous24.01.01.0030.000357%Not Available
Emotional disorder19.04.02.0050.001205%Not Available
Emotional poverty19.04.02.0150.000159%Not Available
Endocrine disorder05.09.01.001--Not Available
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Drug Name ADR Term Target
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