Adverse Drug Reaction Classification System

Pharmaceutical Information
Drug Name Bisoprolol
Drug ID BADD_D00277
Description Bisoprolol is a cardioselective β1-adrenergic blocking agent used to treat high blood pressure.[A180472,L7219] It is considered a potent drug with a long-half life that can be used once daily to reduce the need for multiple doses of antihypertensive drugs.[A180472] Bisoprolol is generally well tolerated, likely due to its β1-adrenergic receptor selectivity and is a useful alternative to non-selective β-blocker drugs in the treatment of hypertension such as [Carvedilol] and [Labetalol]. It may be used alone or in combination with other drugs to manage hypertension[L7219] and can be useful in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) due to its receptor selectivity.[A180562]
Indications and Usage Bisoprolol is indicated for the treatment of mild to moderate hypertension.[L7219] It may be used off-label to treat heart failure, atrial fibrillation, and angina pectoris.[A180460,A180463]
Marketing Status approved
ATC Code C07AB07
DrugBank ID DB00612
KEGG ID D02342
MeSH ID D017298
PubChem ID 2405
NDC Product Code Not Available
Synonyms Bisoprolol | Bisoprolol Fumarate (1:1) Salt, (+-)-Isomer | Bisoprolol Fumarate (2:1) Salt, (+-)-Isomer | Bisoprolol Hydrochloride | Hydrochloride, Bisoprolol | Bisoprolol Methanesulfonate Salt | Bisoprolol, (+-)-Isomer | Bisoprolol, Fumarate (1:1) Salt | Bisoprolol, Fumarate (2:1) Salt | CL-297939 | CL 297939 | CL297939 | Concor | EMD-33512 | EMD 33512 | EMD33512 | Bisoprolol Fumarate | Fumarate, Bisoprolol | Bisoprolol, (-)-Isomer
Chemical Information
Molecular Formula C18H31NO4
CAS Registry Number 66722-44-9
Chemical Structure
ADRs Induced by Drug
*The priority for ADR severity classification is based on FAERS assessment, followed by the most severe level in CTCAE rating. If neither is available, it will be displayed as 'Not available'.
**The 'Not Available' level is hidden by default and can be restored by clicking on the legend twice..
ADR Term ADReCS ID ADR Frequency (FAERS) ADR Severity Grade (FAERS) ADR Severity Grade (CTCAE)
Ill-defined disorder08.01.03.049--Not Available
Inner ear disorder04.04.02.002--Not Available
Lacrimal disorder06.08.02.005--Not Available
Sensation of foreign body08.01.09.0020.000628%Not Available
Hepatobiliary disease09.01.08.003--Not Available
Renal impairment20.01.03.0100.002983%Not Available
Poor quality sleep19.02.05.005; Available
Cystitis noninfective20.03.02.001--
Pyramidal tract syndrome17.05.05.0030.000628%
Vascular stent thrombosis24.01.01.044; Available
Aortic arteriosclerosis24.04.01.0040.000314%Not Available
Low birth weight baby18.04.02.0030.000785%Not Available
Hypertransaminasaemia09.01.02.0050.000785%Not Available
Oropharyngeal discomfort07.05.05.008; Available
Oropharyngeal pain22.12.03.016;
Myocardial depression02.04.02.0150.000314%Not Available
Acute kidney injury20.01.03.0160.011460%
Foetal growth restriction18.03.01.0020.000785%
Respiratory tract oedema22.02.07.013--Not Available
Toxicity to various agents12.03.01.046--Not Available
Hepatocellular carcinoma16.07.02.005; Available
Drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms12.03.01.064;; Available
Faeces soft07.01.03.0080.000471%Not Available
Language disorder17.02.08.015; Available
Sinus node dysfunction02.03.03.0170.001727%
Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome08.01.03.0570.002041%
Breast cancer in situ16.10.01.007; Available
Cardiac failure chronic02.05.01.0090.000628%Not Available
Neonatal respiratory distress syndrome22.11.02.010; Available
Normal newborn18.08.06.0010.000471%Not Available
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Drug Name ADR Term Target
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