Adverse Drug Reaction Classification System

Pharmaceutical Information
Drug Name Ergocalciferol
Drug ID BADD_D00794
Description Ergocalciferol is an inactivated vitamin D analog.[A177526] It is synthesized by some plants in the presence of UVB light.[T577] The production of ergocalciferol was prompted by the identification of dietary deficiency, more specifically vitamin D, as the main causative factor for the development of rickets. Ergocalciferol was isolated for the first time from yeast in 1931 and its structure was elucidated in 1932.[T580] Ergocalciferol is considered the first vitamin D analog and is differentiated from [cholecalciferol] by the presence of a double bond between C22 and C23 and the presence of a methyl group at C24. These modifications reduce the affinity of ergocalciferol for the vitamin D binding protein resulting in faster clearance, limits its activation, and alters its catabolism.[A177637] The first approved product containing ergocalciferol under the FDA records was developed by US Pharm Holdings and was FDA approved in 1941.[L6058]
Indications and Usage Ergocalciferol is indicated for the treatment of hypoparathyroidism, refractory rickets, and familial hypophosphatemia.[FDA label] Hypoparathyroidism is the result of inadequate parathyroid hormone production that occurs due to the presence of damage or removal of the parathyroid glands. This condition produces decreased calcium and increased phosphorus levels.[L6082] Rickets is a condition produced due to a deficiency in vitamin D, calcium or phosphorus. However, this condition can also be related to renal diseases. It is characterized to present weak or soft bones.[A177664] Familial hypophosphatemia is characterized by the impaired transport of phosphate and an altered vitamin D metabolism in the kidneys. The presence of this condition can derive in the presence of osteomalacia, bone softening and rickets.[L6085]
Marketing Status approved; nutraceutical
ATC Code A11CC01
DrugBank ID DB00153
KEGG ID D00187
MeSH ID D004872
PubChem ID 5280793
NDC Product Code 49452-2760; 66499-0041; 43063-711; 51407-143; 51655-774; 62135-439; 70934-252; 71335-1699; 42291-266; 63187-519; 68071-3444; 68788-7627; 71610-712; 63629-2447; 10888-8131; 64380-737; 68071-1951; 70518-1878; 71335-1449; 10888-0140; 11014-0052; 68071-2352; 71610-552; 72789-249; 51364-0007; 65655-0002; 30698-493; 64980-157; 69452-151; 11014-0026; 50090-4382; 60760-152; 63187-064; 70518-0177; 71610-240; 23155-809; 63629-8144; 68071-2295; 43353-219; 43353-238; 50268-297; 60687-500; 62332-464; 63629-7942; 71335-0062; 71335-0278
Synonyms Ergocalciferols | Calciferols | Vitamin D 2 | Vitamin D2 | D2, Vitamin | Ergocalciferol
Chemical Information
Molecular Formula C28H44O
CAS Registry Number 50-14-6
Chemical Structure
ADRs Induced by Drug
*The priority for ADR severity classification is based on FAERS assessment, followed by the most severe level in CTCAE rating. If neither is available, it will be displayed as 'Not available'.
**The 'Not Available' level is hidden by default and can be restored by clicking on the legend twice..
ADR Term ADReCS ID ADR Frequency (FAERS) ADR Severity Grade (FAERS) ADR Severity Grade (CTCAE)
Abdominal discomfort07.01.06.0010.004514%Not Available
Abdominal distension07.01.04.0010.003351%
Abdominal pain07.01.05.0020.004582%
Abdominal pain upper07.01.05.0030.003693%
Abortion spontaneous18.01.04.0010.001368%Not Available
Acne23.02.01.0010.002325%Not Available
Acute myocardial infarction24.04.04.001; Available
Anal fistula07.11.05.0020.000684%
Anaphylactic reaction24.06.03.006;
Ankylosing spondylitis15.01.09.001; Available
Areflexia17.02.01.0010.000684%Not Available
Arrhythmia02.03.02.0010.002394%Not Available
Arteriosclerosis24.04.02.0010.000684%Not Available
Arteriosclerosis coronary artery24.04.04.012; Available
Asthenia08.01.01.0010.005471%Not Available
Asthma22.03.01.002; Available
Atrial fibrillation02.03.03.0020.001710%
Atrioventricular block second degree02.03.01.0050.000684%
Azotaemia20.01.01.001--Not Available
Back pain15.03.04.0050.004103%
Basal cell carcinoma16.03.02.001; Available
Blindness06.02.10.003; Available
Bone pain15.02.01.0010.001026%
Breast cancer16.10.01.001; Available
Burning sensation17.02.06.001; Available
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