Adverse Drug Reaction Classification System

Pharmaceutical Information
Drug Name Fenofibrate
Drug ID BADD_D00873
Description Fenofibrate is a fibric acid derivative like [clofibrate] and [gemfibrozil].[A185954] Fenofibrate is used to treat primary hypercholesterolemia, mixed dyslipidemia, severe hypertriglyceridemia.[L8588,L8591] Fenofibrate was granted FDA approval on 31 December 1993.[L8585]
Indications and Usage Fenofibrate is indicated as adjunctive therapy to diet to reduce elevated LDL-C, Total-C, Triglycerides, and Apo B, and to increase HDL-C adults with primary hypercholesterolemia or mixed dyslipidemia.[L8588,L8591] Fenofibrate is also indicated to treat adults with severe hypertriglyceridemia.[L8588,L8591]
Marketing Status approved
ATC Code C10AB05
DrugBank ID DB01039
KEGG ID D00565
MeSH ID D011345
PubChem ID 3339
NDC Product Code 11014-0132; 11722-065; 17337-0019; 58175-0348; 0074-3173; 13668-439; 31722-595; 0115-5522; 42385-950; 50090-6227; 51079-599; 55111-349; 60505-3121; 60687-629; 60760-318; 62332-361; 62332-538; 63304-444; 68180-131; 68180-231; 68462-580; 68462-582; 69238-1263; 71205-050; 71205-190; 71205-666; 71205-949; 0904-7161; 66064-1006; 16714-740; 27437-109; 0115-0522; 0115-5511; 42385-951; 42858-200; 43547-431; 50090-3044; 63304-448; 68071-1712; 70518-2768; 71335-1701; 72789-310; 13668-440; 46708-085; 51407-092; 51407-204; 51655-234; 59651-203; 60687-666; 63187-640; 63304-901; 0378-7100; 68180-389; 68788-8106; 69844-008; 71335-1286; 71335-1292; 71335-2016; 59651-576; 60219-5522; 62332-086; 62332-554; 62559-305; 63187-940; 63304-449; 0378-4391; 68462-581; 69097-894; 69238-1261; 69367-270; 70756-214; 71205-366; 71335-0741; 71335-0891; 82009-060; 11014-0131; 17337-0410; 27437-110; 35561-345; 42291-289; 42385-936; 42858-454; 42858-660; 43975-306; 46708-555; 51407-205; 59651-201; 60687-713; 62332-084; 63187-681; 0378-3066; 68071-2587; 68180-746; 68682-490; 69238-1260; 69315-290; 69367-254; 69844-013; 46708-084; 46708-361; 46708-554; 50268-312; 50268-338; 55700-876; 60219-5511; 60687-655; 62332-360; 62559-461; 68071-2812; 68788-7816; 69097-458; 69367-269; 69844-009; 70518-2349; 0615-8270; 65862-768; 68294-0001; 16714-741; 27241-120; 31722-596; 35561-346; 0115-0511; 42385-935; 42858-067; 46708-086; 46708-350; 46708-360; 50090-6120; 51407-094; 51655-433; 51655-856; 62332-539; 63304-443; 63629-1100; 63629-1101; 63629-9474; 0378-4390; 65862-769; 68071-2540; 68071-2686; 68788-7932; 69097-895; 69844-012; 17337-0430; 0904-7128; 59349-0018; 65977-0074; 16714-739; 35561-347; 0115-0533; 42291-427; 43353-001; 43353-272; 50090-1275; 50090-4698; 50090-5854; 51079-608; 59651-202; 62559-306; 63187-760; 63304-900; 0378-7101; 68012-490; 68084-328; 68180-232; 68180-388; 69315-288; 70934-977; 13672-020; 53747-033; 70966-0021; 13668-438; 27241-117; 27437-108; 42291-290; 43975-305; 43975-444; 51407-091; 60505-3120; 60687-618; 62332-085; 62332-351; 62559-460; 63629-7213; 0378-3065; 68084-827; 68180-130; 69097-896; 69315-287; 69367-268; 70518-2907; 70518-2947; 70518-3370; 71335-0872; 71610-027; 0074-3189; 27241-116; 27241-119; 43353-898; 43598-910; 50090-5244; 51407-090; 55111-395; 62332-350; 62332-555; 63629-1099; 63629-2505; 68012-495; 68084-329; 68682-495; 69097-459; 69238-1262; 69315-289; 70756-215; 71335-1756; 49452-3101; 68543-3173; 68543-3189; 27241-118; 42858-134; 43547-430; 43598-909; 46708-351; 50090-2899; 50090-5796; 50268-313; 51407-093; 51655-009; 51655-554; 59651-575
Synonyms Fenofibrate | Phenofibrate | Procetofene | Procetofen | Apo-Feno-Micro | Apo Feno Micro | Apo-Fenofibrate | Apo Fenofibrate | CiL | Controlip | durafenat | Fenobeta | Fenofanton | Fenofibrat AbZ | Fenofibrat AL | Fenofibrat AZU | AZU, Fenofibrat | Fenofibrat Heumann | Heumann, Fenofibrat | Fenofibrat Hexal | Hexal, Fenofibrat | Fenofibrat Stada | Stada, Fenofibrat | fenofibrat von ct | Fenofibrat-ratiopharm | Fenofibrat ratiopharm | Fénofibrate MSD | Gen-Fenofibrate | Gen Fenofibrate | LF-178 | LF 178 | LF178 | Lipanthyl | Lipantil | Fenofibrat FPh | Lipidil | Secalip | Supralip | Fénofibrate Debat | Debat, Fénofibrate | Lipidil-Ter | Lipidil Ter | Liparison | Livesan | Lofibra | MTW-Fenofibrat | MTW Fenofibrat | Novo-Fenofibrate | Novo Fenofibrate | Nu-Fenofibrate | Nu Fenofibrate | PMS-Fenofibrate Micro | PMS Fenofibrate Micro | Tricor | Normalip | Antara Micronized Procetofen | Micronized Procetofen, Antara | Procetofen, Antara Micronized
Chemical Information
Molecular Formula C20H21ClO4
CAS Registry Number 49562-28-9
Chemical Structure
ADRs Induced by Drug
*The priority for ADR severity classification is based on FAERS assessment, followed by the most severe level in CTCAE rating. If neither is available, it will be displayed as 'Not available'.
**The 'Not Available' level is hidden by default and can be restored by clicking on the legend twice..
ADR Term ADReCS ID ADR Frequency (FAERS) ADR Severity Grade (FAERS) ADR Severity Grade (CTCAE)
Abdominal discomfort07.01.06.001--Not Available
Abdominal pain07.01.05.0020.000312%
Abdominal pain upper07.01.05.003--
Abortion spontaneous18.01.04.0010.000079%Not Available
Acne23.02.01.001--Not Available
Acute myocardial infarction24.04.04.001; Available
Alanine aminotransferase increased13.03.04.005--
Alveolitis22.01.01.001--Not Available
Amblyopia06.02.01.001--Not Available
Anaphylactic reaction10.01.07.001;
Anaphylactic shock24.06.02.004; Available
Angina pectoris24.04.04.002;
Angioedema22.04.02.008;; Available
Anorectal disorder07.03.01.001--Not Available
Arrhythmia02.03.02.001--Not Available
Arteriosclerosis24.04.02.001--Not Available
Arthropathy15.01.01.003--Not Available
Aspartate aminotransferase13.03.04.008--Not Available
Aspartate aminotransferase increased13.03.04.011--
Asthenia08.01.01.0010.000284%Not Available
Asthma22.03.01.002; Available
Atrial fibrillation02.03.03.002--
Autoimmune hepatitis10.04.09.001; Available
Back pain15.03.04.005--
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Drug Name ADR Term Target
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