Adverse Drug Reaction Classification System

Pharmaceutical Information
Drug Name Fluticasone propionate
Drug ID BADD_D00947
Description Fluticasone propionate is a synthetic glucocorticoid[F4355,F4358][FDA Label]. These drugs are available as inhalers, nasal, sprays, and topical treatments for various inflammatory indications[F4355,F4358][FDA Label]. Fluticasone propionate was first approved in 1990[L5962].
Indications and Usage Fluticasone propionate is indicated as an inhaler for the treatment and management of asthma by prophylaxis[FDA Label]as well as inflammatory and pruritic dermatoses[F4355]. Fluticasone propionate nasal spray is indicated for managing allergic and nonallergic rhinitis[L8309,F4358].
Marketing Status approved
ATC Code R03BA05; R01AD08; D07AC17
DrugBank ID DB00588
KEGG ID D01708
MeSH ID D000068298
PubChem ID 444036
NDC Product Code 81522-002; 22552-0043; 51927-0013; 0113-0028; 41163-023; 0135-0582; 55910-607; 63868-656; 69842-765; 70000-0110; 72559-002; 46439-8729; 51552-1310; 11822-0901; 0113-0285; 37808-340; 41520-553; 0173-0601; 0173-0720; 50594-319; 53002-1294; 53002-7691; 59310-505; 59310-515; 0363-0652; 63629-8662; 63629-8663; 66993-078; 68788-7788; 0054-3270; 0713-0631; 80267-000; 81522-005; 16812-005; 64918-1600; 11673-262; 0173-0602; 0173-0718; 49035-063; 50090-0934; 53943-006; 55910-773; 60505-6205; 0363-0881; 63629-8658; 63629-8659; 64525-8000; 66993-079; 68196-208; 68788-8446; 68788-9678; 68998-600; 72189-004; 63654-380; 63981-001; 68196-210; 69842-757; 71143-375; 81522-073; 38779-2760; 53873-078; 55018-301; 11673-388; 46122-684; 49035-362; 50090-6053; 53002-1310; 53002-7693; 55301-506; 59310-114; 59310-311; 60505-0829; 63187-638; 63187-959; 63868-400; 64024-007; 68788-6926; 69306-016; 69842-900; 0536-1373; 49076-5501; 52482-001; 64918-1700; 11673-103; 11822-1177; 30142-258; 30142-301; 0113-7117; 36800-222; 0363-0024; 64525-6560; 69168-380; 70000-0613; 79903-071; 52221-106; 36800-572; 41163-100; 41250-634; 45802-222; 50090-2880; 50383-968; 59310-525; 62011-0269; 0363-1205; 63187-957; 68071-2582; 68071-4868; 68462-427; 0536-1183; 71205-443; 72288-119; 80425-0263; 53873-079; 63190-0520; 64918-1118; 37835-997; 0173-0719; 49348-182; 50090-0916; 50090-6058; 53002-2294; 60432-264; 63187-021; 63187-806; 0363-5012; 63629-8660; 63629-8661; 66993-080; 68016-723; 69842-770; 70518-1655; 0713-0632; 15308-0200; 58175-0361; 21130-089; 37808-205; 45802-221; 50090-6055; 50383-700; 56062-107; 59310-200; 60505-0955; 68391-133; 69256-061; 69842-228; 72288-333; 76162-656; 76420-106; 80159-201; 50909-5175; 63379-001; 11673-220; 21130-122; 36800-128; 41520-703; 46122-386; 51672-4095; 67296-1463; 53104-7531; 65089-0033; 0135-0576; 0168-0332; 0173-0600; 45802-441; 49035-200; 50090-0968; 51316-074; 60429-195
Synonyms Fluticasone | Flonase | Flovent HFA | HFA, Flovent | Cutivate | Fluticasone Propionate | Propionate, Fluticasone | Flixonase | Flixotide | Flovent
Chemical Information
Molecular Formula C25H31F3O5S
CAS Registry Number 80474-14-2
Chemical Structure
ADRs Induced by Drug
*The priority for ADR severity classification is based on FAERS assessment, followed by the most severe level in CTCAE rating. If neither is available, it will be displayed as 'Not available'.
**The 'Not Available' level is hidden by default and can be restored by clicking on the legend twice..
ADR Term ADReCS ID ADR Frequency (FAERS) ADR Severity Grade (FAERS) ADR Severity Grade (CTCAE)
Drug effect less than expected08.06.01.036--Not Available
Drug ineffective for unapproved indication12.09.02.002; Available
Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis22.01.01.025;;; Available
Idiopathic intracranial hypertension17.07.02.0110.000369%Not Available
Illness08.01.03.0910.000405%Not Available
Laryngeal dysplasia22.04.01.011--Not Available
Lung opacity22.12.01.0060.000184%Not Available
Oesophageal food impaction07.01.06.0370.000184%Not Available
Reversible airways obstruction22.03.01.028--Not Available
Sleep disorder due to a general medical condition19.02.04.003--Not Available
Taste disorder17.02.07.029; Available
Therapeutic product effect decreased08.06.01.0500.000627%Not Available
Therapeutic product effect delayed08.06.01.051--Not Available
Therapeutic product effect incomplete08.06.01.052--Not Available
Therapeutic response changed08.06.01.059--Not Available
Treatment noncompliance12.09.02.006; Available
Perfume sensitivity10.01.01.052--Not Available
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