Adverse Drug Reaction Classification System

Pharmaceutical Information
Drug Name Lisinopril
Drug ID BADD_D01300
Description Lisinopril is an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEI) used to treat hypertension, heart failure, and myocardial infarction.[L8384,L8387,L8390] Lisinopril and [captopril] are the only ACEIs that are not prodrugs.[A184853] It functions by inhibition of angiotensin converting enzyme as well as the renin angiotensin aldosterone system.[A184781,A184808,A184817] ACEIs are commonly used as a first line therapy in the treatment of hypertension, along with thiazide diuretics or beta blockers.[A184844] Lisinopril was granted FDA approval on 29 December 1987.[L8384]
Indications and Usage Lisinopril is indicated for the treatment of acute myocardial infarction, hypertension in patients ≥6 years, and as an adjunct therapy for heart failure.[L8384,L8387] A combination product with hydrochlorothiazide is indicated for the treatment of hypertension.[L8390]
Marketing Status approved; investigational
ATC Code C09AA03
DrugBank ID DB00722
KEGG ID D00362; D08131
MeSH ID D017706
PubChem ID 5362119
NDC Product Code 64220-154; 65862-037; 16571-797; 16571-798; 42708-031; 42708-033; 43353-270; 43353-271; 43547-417; 50090-2228; 50090-4678; 51655-707; 53002-1225; 55154-2128; 60687-325; 60760-359; 61919-246; 62135-641; 63187-099; 63629-8823; 65862-039; 65862-040; 65862-042; 68001-336; 68071-5143; 68084-196; 68645-551; 68645-587; 68645-613; 70518-0117; 70518-2600; 71335-0176; 71335-1380; 71610-612; 0615-8254; 76282-419; 76282-729; 0591-0405; 0591-0409; 0904-6797; 0904-7200; 57297-511; 63827-1012; 16729-376; 16729-379; 43353-113; 43353-993; 43547-351; 43547-355; 50090-3763; 51655-146; 55154-8096; 55289-884; 60687-333; 61919-746; 62135-642; 63187-237; 63187-442; 65862-038; 68001-334; 68071-3220; 68180-982; 68645-608; 68645-610; 68788-6407; 70518-1790; 70518-1906; 0591-0406; 71335-0354; 71610-588; 0615-8253; 72865-208; 72865-209; 76282-422; 76282-731; 76282-733; 82009-063; 65862-041; 65977-0009; 23155-714; 31722-172; 42708-142; 43353-301; 50090-3765; 50090-3774; 50090-4725; 50090-4885; 50436-0352; 50436-0354; 51655-399; 51655-729; 51655-999; 58118-1980; 60687-678; 60760-380; 62135-644; 63187-775; 63629-5247; 67296-1202; 67296-1839; 68180-517; 68180-981; 68645-550; 68645-555; 69117-0037; 70882-104; 71205-471; 71335-1295; 71610-624; 0615-8255; 61919-909; 62135-645; 63187-257; 63187-821; 63629-8736; 68001-335; 68180-513; 68645-593; 68788-7012; 68788-7334; 69117-0036; 70518-0544; 70882-103; 70934-155; 71205-180; 71205-742; 71335-0015; 71610-638; 0615-8405; 72865-210; 82009-065; 82982-066; 14593-944; 17404-0011; 16571-794; 16571-795; 42708-154; 43547-418; 43547-419; 50090-0808; 52427-441; 58118-1981; 60760-360; 61919-721; 62135-643; 63187-534; 63629-1761; 67296-1452; 68001-337; 68071-3123; 68645-552; 68645-553; 68645-609; 68788-6820; 68788-6920; 69117-0038; 69117-1003; 70518-1152; 70882-110; 70934-338; 70934-522; 70934-919; 71205-071; 76282-728; 76282-730; 82009-066; 0591-0885; 16571-796; 16729-377; 43063-480; 43063-810; 43063-812; 43547-353; 51655-486; 52427-438; 53002-1123; 60687-646; 60687-667; 63187-825; 68001-332; 68001-486; 68071-3409; 68071-5190; 68180-512; 68180-979; 68180-980; 68645-554; 68645-611; 68788-8351; 70518-0468; 70934-171; 71205-626; 0615-8252; 0904-6800; 67651-0225; 31722-179; 31722-180; 42708-176; 43063-769; 43547-352; 43547-354; 43547-356; 50090-2989; 50090-3175; 51655-995; 52652-3001; 53002-1178; 53002-1463; 60760-358; 60760-390; 60760-438; 61919-717; 61919-736; 63187-098; 63187-780; 68001-333; 68071-2224; 68071-3411; 68084-765; 70518-2561; 70518-2655; 0591-0407; 72789-093; 72789-101; 72865-211; 76282-420; 76282-421; 82009-064; 64220-142; 16729-380; 23155-710; 23155-711; 23155-712; 43063-786; 43063-800; 43063-811; 43063-813; 43353-297; 43353-643; 43353-662; 43353-793; 43547-415; 50090-6303; 51655-335; 51655-411; 52427-442; 62135-640; 63187-722; 68071-3064; 68788-8310; 69117-1001; 71335-0075; 71610-312; 71610-406; 71610-536; 72865-212; 76282-418; 0904-6798; 0904-6799; 65730-1301; 42708-096; 42708-165; 50090-2431; 50090-4887; 52427-443; 55154-4992; 55154-8078; 55700-480; 60760-357; 60760-455; 68645-532; 70518-1156; 70518-1316; 70518-3166; 0591-0408; 76282-417; 16571-799; 16729-375; 31722-176; 31722-178; 42708-032; 43063-074; 43353-009; 43353-298; 43547-414; 43547-416; 50090-5120; 50436-0353; 51655-994; 52427-440; 53002-2123; 55154-2329; 55700-479; 55700-547; 60687-656; 67296-1154; 68645-612; 68788-7666; 69117-1002; 71335-0498; 71335-0536; 72865-213; 76282-732; 82009-062; 16729-378; 23155-713; 23155-715; 31722-177; 42708-094; 43063-814; 43063-815; 52427-439
Synonyms Lisinopril | Lysinopril | Lisinopril Sulfate (1:2) | Prinivil | Zestril | Lisinopril Maleate (1:1) | MK-521
Chemical Information
Molecular Formula C21H31N3O5
CAS Registry Number 76547-98-3
Chemical Structure
ADRs Induced by Drug
*The priority for ADR severity classification is based on FAERS assessment, followed by the most severe level in CTCAE rating. If neither is available, it will be displayed as 'Not available'.
**The 'Not Available' level is hidden by default and can be restored by clicking on the legend twice..
ADR Term ADReCS ID ADR Frequency (FAERS) ADR Severity Grade (FAERS) ADR Severity Grade (CTCAE)
Abdominal discomfort07.01.06.001--Not Available
Abdominal pain07.01.05.002--
Abdominal tenderness07.01.05.0040.000016%Not Available
Accelerated hypertension24.08.01.0030.000005%Not Available
Acidosis hyperchloraemic14.01.01.0070.000014%Not Available
Acute hepatic failure09.01.03.0010.000030%Not Available
Acute myocardial infarction24.04.04.001; Available
Acute respiratory distress syndrome24.03.02.034;;
Acute respiratory failure22.02.06.001; Available
Adrenal insufficiency05.01.02.001;
Agranulocytosis01.02.03.001--Not Available
Alcoholism19.07.06.0060.000018%Not Available
Anaesthesia17.02.06.0360.000005%Not Available
Anaphylactic reaction24.06.03.006;
Anaphylactic shock24.06.02.004; Available
Anaphylactoid reaction10.01.07.003; Available
Angina pectoris24.04.04.002;
Angina unstable24.04.04.004; Available
Angioedema22.04.02.008;; Available
Anuria20.01.03.0020.000009%Not Available
Application site pruritus23.03.12.004;; Available
Arrhythmia02.03.02.001--Not Available
Arteriosclerosis coronary artery24.04.04.012; Available
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