Adverse Drug Reaction Classification System

Pharmaceutical Information
Drug Name Prednisone
Drug ID BADD_D01834
Description A synthetic anti-inflammatory glucocorticoid derived from [cortisone].[A187463] It is biologically inert and converted to [prednisolone] in the liver.[L10502] Prednisone was granted FDA approval on 21 February 1955.[L10496]
Indications and Usage Prednisone is indicated as an anti-inflammatory or immunosuppressive drug for allergic, dermatologic, gastrointestinal, hematologic, ophthalmologic, nervous system, renal, respiratory, rheumatologic, infectious, endocrine, or neoplastic conditions as well as in organ transplant.[L10502]
Marketing Status approved; vet_approved
ATC Code A07EA03; H02AB07
DrugBank ID DB00635
KEGG ID D00473
MeSH ID D011241
PubChem ID 5865
NDC Product Code 80425-0068; 82982-041; 0591-5052; 42291-727; 42708-105; 43063-911; 50090-0439; 50090-3361; 51655-242; 53002-0610; 55154-4950; 58118-0173; 59746-175; 60219-1707; 61919-321; 62135-471; 63187-066; 63629-2255; 63629-2263; 0378-0642; 64380-949; 67296-0138; 67296-1194; 67296-1755; 68071-2304; 68071-5242; 70518-0632; 70518-2115; 70518-2138; 71205-729; 71205-755; 71205-818; 0054-4741; 71335-1926; 0591-5443; 71335-2153; 0603-5336; 76420-068; 80425-0069; 82982-042; 10135-777; 10135-779; 50090-3137; 51655-493; 51655-763; 51655-765; 51655-779; 55154-4938; 59746-171; 60760-932; 63187-807; 63629-2254; 63629-2434; 64380-835; 66267-173; 66267-860; 67296-1444; 68071-2661; 68071-4691; 68071-5195; 68788-7372; 68788-7692; 68788-8166; 68788-9551; 70518-2675; 70518-2704; 70518-3540; 70934-880; 70954-060; 71205-741; 71335-2088; 0054-8739; 72162-1169; 72189-275; 0615-8438; 80425-0105; 64958-0002; 43063-968; 50090-6225; 51655-410; 51655-988; 53002-3090; 54348-506; 55154-4946; 55289-330; 55700-208; 60219-1705; 61919-235; 61919-365; 63629-7917; 67296-0140; 0054-0019; 68788-8212; 70954-061; 71205-089; 71335-1780; 71335-2149; 0054-8724; 0054-8740; 0054-9828; 72162-1170; 0615-8307; 0615-8441; 59651-489; 60760-002; 63629-2256; 64380-782; 67296-1183; 0054-0018; 70518-1553; 70518-2916; 70934-095; 70954-057; 71205-460; 71205-797; 71335-2122; 71335-2134; 0603-5337; 71610-721; 0054-9818; 0615-8306; 72189-489; 0615-8439; 80425-0106; 0904-6923; 13672-033; 10135-778; 43063-703; 45865-670; 53002-3252; 59746-172; 60687-145; 60760-255; 60760-790; 61919-108; 63187-085; 63629-2258; 63629-2435; 0378-0641; 68071-2209; 68071-2578; 68071-3143; 68788-6440; 68788-7752; 68788-8267; 70954-059; 71205-537; 71335-1524; 71335-1628; 71335-1736; 71335-1737; 71335-2051; 0603-5335; 0603-5339; 0615-8440; 75987-021; 75987-022; 0591-5442; 13672-032; 42708-115; 50090-3336; 51655-355; 51655-416; 51655-935; 51655-972; 59651-487; 60219-1708; 62135-470; 63187-300; 63187-997; 63629-2260; 63629-2262; 68071-1779; 68788-8116; 0527-2934; 70518-0305; 70518-0306; 70518-1120; 70882-117; 0054-4742; 71335-1516; 71335-1525; 0603-5338; 76420-067; 13672-031; 51552-0028; 10135-774; 42708-136; 50090-6123; 50090-6259; 51655-068; 51655-359; 51655-701; 53002-3091; 53002-3520; 59651-488; 60687-122; 63187-243; 63629-1579; 63629-2261; 0378-0640; 64380-784; 64380-785; 67296-0247; 67296-1065; 67296-1455; 67296-1457; 68071-2696; 68071-5196; 68071-5233; 0527-2933; 70518-1561; 70518-2676; 70518-3138; 71205-403; 71335-0464; 0615-8395; 72789-235; 0904-7127; 42708-167; 50090-3330; 50090-3354; 50090-5816; 51407-356; 51407-360; 51655-726; 55154-4949; 59651-484; 60760-715; 63629-2257; 68071-2781; 68788-8184; 0527-2930; 70518-0307; 70518-2555; 70518-3142; 70934-096; 70954-056; 71205-407; 71335-0623; 0054-4728; 0054-9817; 72162-1171; 75987-020; 10135-776; 60722-1002; 82298-103; 42291-771; 42708-114; 42708-166; 51655-349; 51655-760; 59651-486; 59746-173; 60219-1706; 60760-615; 63187-037; 67296-1083; 67296-1446; 67544-399; 0054-0017; 70518-3537; 70934-291; 0054-3722; 71205-362; 71335-0335; 71335-0508; 71335-2079; 71610-641; 72162-1172; 72189-246; 80425-0193; 38779-0154; 57582-003; 42708-045; 43063-866; 50090-6122; 51407-355; 51407-357; 51655-197; 51655-541; 51655-716; 53002-3250; 55700-203; 55700-209; 60687-134; 61919-326; 63187-020; 63629-1605; 63629-2259; 63629-2264; 63739-588; 64380-783; 67296-1203; 67296-1767; 67296-1886; 68071-2771; 70518-2314; 70518-2703; 70518-3401; 70518-3476; 70518-3539; 70518-3555; 70954-058; 71205-239; 71205-421; 71205-665; 71335-1915; 71335-2069; 71335-2160; 71335-9715; 72189-430; 0615-8391; 76420-069; 49452-6000; 10135-775; 42291-770; 42291-783; 50090-4785; 50090-5814; 50090-6376; 51407-358; 51407-359; 51655-208; 51655-939; 55154-3564; 58118-5442; 59651-485
Synonyms Prednisone | Dehydrocortisone | delta-Cortisone | Rectodelt | Prednison Hexal | Sterapred | Ultracorten | Winpred | Apo-Prednisone | Cortan | Cortancyl | Panafcort | Cutason | Decortin | Dacortin | Decortisyl | Deltasone | Encortone | Encorton | Enkortolon | Kortancyl | Liquid Pred | Meticorten | Orasone | Panasol | Predni Tablinen | Prednidib | Predniment | Prednison Acsis | Acsis, Prednison | Pronisone | Sone | Prednison Galen
Chemical Information
Molecular Formula C21H26O5
CAS Registry Number 53-03-2
Chemical Structure
ADRs Induced by Drug
*The priority for ADR severity classification is based on FAERS assessment, followed by the most severe level in CTCAE rating. If neither is available, it will be displayed as 'Not available'.
**The 'Not Available' level is hidden by default and can be restored by clicking on the legend twice..
ADR Term ADReCS ID ADR Frequency (FAERS) ADR Severity Grade (FAERS) ADR Severity Grade (CTCAE)
Potentiating drug interaction08.06.03.0150.000022%Not Available
Precancerous condition08.03.04.010--Not Available
Prosthetic cardiac valve regurgitation08.07.07.002; Available
Pseudohyponatraemia14.05.04.0140.000009%Not Available
Renal phospholipidosis14.08.04.028; Available
Resorption bone increased15.02.03.021; Available
Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment12.01.04.036; Available
Ross syndrome23.02.03.016;; Available
Sacral pain15.03.04.023--Not Available
Sensitive skin23.03.03.097--Not Available
Sinus pain22.12.03.023--
Sleep deficit17.15.04.010--Not Available
Sleep disorder due to a general medical condition19.02.04.0030.000022%Not Available
Spherocytic anaemia01.06.05.002--Not Available
Spinal stenosis17.10.01.031; Available
Steroid dependence08.06.01.0470.000125%Not Available
Steroid diabetes14.06.01.019; Available
Still's disease15.01.03.007;; Available
Superficial vein thrombosis24.01.02.0160.000035%Not Available
Swelling of eyelid06.04.04.018;; Available
Symptom recurrence08.01.03.1010.000018%Not Available
Systemic scleroderma24.03.03.052;;;; Available
Terminal ileitis07.08.01.022--Not Available
Therapeutic product effect decreased08.06.01.0500.000198%Not Available
Therapeutic product effect delayed08.06.01.051--Not Available
Therapeutic product effect incomplete08.06.01.0520.000338%Not Available
Therapeutic product effect variable08.06.01.0550.000013%Not Available
Therapeutic product ineffective08.06.01.0570.000024%Not Available
Therapeutic product ineffective for unapproved indication12.09.02.005; Available
Therapeutic response changed08.06.01.0590.000020%Not Available
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