Adverse Drug Reaction Classification System

Pharmaceutical Information
Drug Name Thiamine
Drug ID BADD_D02197
Description Thiamine or thiamin, also known as vitamin B1, is a colorless compound with the chemical formula C12H17N4OS. It is soluble in water and insoluble in alcohol. Thiamine decomposes if heated. Thiamine was first discovered by Umetaro Suzuki in Japan when researching how rice bran cured patients of Beriberi. Thiamine plays a key role in intracellular glucose metabolism and it is thought that thiamine inhibits the effect of glucose and insulin on arterial smooth muscle cell proliferation. Thiamine plays an important role in helping the body convert carbohydrates and fat into energy. It is essential for normal growth and development and helps to maintain proper functioning of the heart and the nervous and digestive systems. Thiamine cannot be stored in the body; however, once absorbed, the vitamin is concentrated in muscle tissue.
Indications and Usage For the treatment of thiamine and niacin deficiency states, Korsakov's alcoholic psychosis, Wernicke-Korsakov syndrome, delirium, and peripheral neuritis.
Marketing Status approved; investigational; nutraceutical; vet_approved
ATC Code Not Available
DrugBank ID DB00152
KEGG ID D08580
MeSH ID D013831
PubChem ID 1130
NDC Product Code Not Available
Synonyms Thiamine | Thiamin | Vitamin B1 | Aneurin | Vitamin B 1 | Thiamine Mononitrate | Mononitrate, Thiamine
Chemical Information
Molecular Formula C12H17N4OS+
CAS Registry Number 70-16-6
Chemical Structure
ADRs Induced by Drug
*The priority for ADR severity classification is based on FAERS assessment, followed by the most severe level in CTCAE rating. If neither is available, it will be displayed as 'Not available'.
**The 'Not Available' level is hidden by default and can be restored by clicking on the legend twice..
ADR Term ADReCS ID ADR Frequency (FAERS) ADR Severity Grade (FAERS) ADR Severity Grade (CTCAE)
Pulmonary oedema22.01.03.003;
Rash23.03.13.0010.002084%Not Available
Shock24.06.02.002--Not Available
Tenderness08.01.08.005--Not Available
Thinking abnormal19.10.03.001; Available
Throat tightness22.12.03.031; Available
Haemorrhage24.07.01.002--Not Available
Induration08.01.03.020--Not Available
Oropharyngeal pain22.12.03.016;
Acute kidney injury20.01.03.0160.000947%
Feeling guilty19.15.02.0100.000947%Not Available
Drug ineffective for unapproved indication12.09.02.002; Available
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Drug Name ADR Term Target
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