Adverse Drug Reaction Classification System

Pharmaceutical Information
Drug Name Pregabalin
Drug ID BADD_D01835
Description Pregabalin is structurally similar to gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) - an inhibitory neurotransmitter.[A173995] It may be used to manage neuropathic pain, postherpetic neuralgia, and fibromyalgia among other conditions.[A187190] Although as per the FDA Label the mechanism of action has not been definitively defined, there is evidence that pregabalin exerts its effects by binding to the α2δ subunit of voltage-dependent calcium channels.[A187190][L7066] Pregabalin is marketed by Pfizer under the trade name Lyrica and Lyrica Cr (extended release).[L1006][L7066] It may have dependence liability if misused but the risk appears to be highest in patients with current or past substance use disorders.[A31161]
Indications and Usage Pregabalin is indicated for the management of neuropathic pain associated with diabetic peripheral neuropathy, postherpetic neuralgia, fibromyalgia, neuropathic pain associated with spinal cord injury, and as adjunctive therapy for the treatment of partial-onset seizures in patients 1 month of age and older.[L7066]
Marketing Status approved; investigational
ATC Code N02BF02
DrugBank ID DB00230
KEGG ID D02716
MeSH ID D000069583
PubChem ID 5486971
NDC Product Code 75834-303; 76282-569; 76282-572; 76420-118; 76420-122; 76420-221; 76420-248; 80425-0025; 80425-0129; 80425-0178; 0904-6991; 0904-7003; 42419-019; 53869-1014; 61294-9991; 64220-169; 65862-761; 65862-790; 0071-1019; 81999-0003; 82924-001; 25000-180; 27808-238; 31722-614; 43353-263; 43353-876; 43547-510; 43598-293; 46708-120; 50228-356; 0228-2859; 55154-8097; 55700-964; 59762-1346; 59762-1348; 59762-1354; 60505-3793; 60687-495; 62332-121; 63629-8208; 64980-410; 65862-759; 65862-760; 67877-466; 67877-469; 68788-7527; 69367-325; 69367-329; 69539-127; 70518-2745; 70518-2763; 71205-323; 71205-556; 71209-034; 71209-037; 71335-1792; 71610-318; 71610-319; 71610-350; 71610-351; 71610-352; 71610-358; 72189-019; 72205-018; 72606-006; 72658-0809; 72658-0849; 76282-568; 76420-095; 76420-117; 80425-0026; 80425-0027; 80425-0030; 80425-0170; 0904-7004; 0904-7005; 53869-1018; 53869-1019; 63415-0121; 66039-926; 0071-1020; 47335-687; 50228-351; 0228-2856; 0228-2860; 60505-3797; 60687-506; 60760-205; 60760-591; 63629-8239; 63629-8248; 64980-416; 68788-7522; 68788-8359; 69238-1315; 69539-012; 69539-016; 70518-3642; 70518-3647; 71335-1758; 71335-2000; 71610-071; 71610-316; 71610-333; 71610-361; 71610-618; 72162-1545; 72162-1548; 72189-115; 72606-007; 72606-008; 80425-0028; 50370-0013; 53869-1012; 53869-1016; 55111-882; 59285-002; 65862-758; 66174-0031; 0071-1012; 27808-235; 31722-610; 31722-615; 43598-297; 46708-124; 46708-125; 47335-692; 47335-693; 0228-2858; 55154-8098; 55700-774; 55700-891; 55700-955; 55700-956; 59762-1342; 59762-1364; 60219-1315; 60760-507; 62135-445; 62135-447; 62332-123; 62332-126; 63629-8196; 64980-413; 64980-415; 67877-464; 67877-467; 67877-468; 69097-957; 69097-961; 69238-1313; 69367-324; 69367-330; 69539-128; 70518-3646; 71205-396; 71205-873; 71209-038; 71335-1505; 71610-320; 71610-365; 71610-619; 71610-719; 72162-1546; 72162-2026; 72189-241; 72205-077; 55700-805; 59762-1360; 60219-1317; 60505-3799; 60760-485; 62135-446; 62332-124; 64980-411; 64980-414; 64980-417; 67877-462; 68788-7521; 68788-8383; 68788-8472; 69097-958; 69097-962; 69238-1311; 70518-2568; 70518-2571; 70518-2892; 70518-2980; 71205-304; 71335-1751; 71335-2012; 71335-9740; 71610-314; 71610-330; 72162-1541; 72162-2024; 72162-2028; 72189-033; 72205-016; 72205-017; 75834-297; 76420-247; 80425-0160; 80425-0307; 0904-7000; 0904-7001; 65862-763; 0071-1014; 0071-1015; 25000-185; 31722-612; 43353-840; 47335-689; 50228-357; 50228-463; 0228-2863; 59762-1344; 59762-1351; 60219-1311; 60505-3795; 60505-3798; 62332-122; 65862-765; 67877-457; 68788-8391; 69238-1316; 69539-015; 70518-2483; 70518-2525; 70518-2762; 71205-298; 71205-694; 71205-733; 71205-874; 71335-1459; 71335-1475; 71335-1762; 71335-9671; 71610-328; 72162-1544; 72189-269; 72189-328; 72658-0811; 76282-575; 76420-119; 76420-121; 76420-123; 80425-0147; 80425-0277; 80425-0308; 0904-6992; 15894-0016; 16812-003; 62331-057; 69218-0300; 27808-239; 27808-241; 31722-616; 31722-617; 43598-291; 43598-298; 47335-691; 50090-6503; 0228-2857; 55700-775; 55700-827; 55700-904; 60219-1310; 62332-120; 63304-047; 63629-8199; 67877-463; 68071-2330; 69238-1310; 69539-011; 69539-018; 69539-129; 71205-608; 71205-872; 71209-039; 71335-1744; 71335-2030; 71335-9699; 72162-1542; 72162-1543; 72189-021; 72189-164; 72205-013; 72205-015; 75834-302; 76420-099; 76420-102; 76420-124; 80425-0116; 0904-7002; 53869-2347; 65862-762; 0071-1013; 0071-1018; 0071-1026
Synonyms Pregabalin | (S)-3-(aminomethyl)-5-methylhexanoic acid | 3-isobutyl GABA | 3 isobutyl GABA | GABA, 3-isobutyl | 3-(aminomethyl)-5-methylhexanoic acid | (R-)-3-isobutyl GABA | (S+)-3-isobutyl GABA | Lyrica | CI 1008 | 1008, CI | CI-1008 | CI1008
Chemical Information
Molecular Formula C8H17NO2
CAS Registry Number 148553-50-8
Chemical Structure
ADRs Induced by Drug
*The priority for ADR severity classification is based on FAERS assessment, followed by the most severe level in CTCAE rating. If neither is available, it will be displayed as 'Not available'.
**The 'Not Available' level is hidden by default and can be restored by clicking on the legend twice..
ADR Term ADReCS ID ADR Frequency (FAERS) ADR Severity Grade (FAERS) ADR Severity Grade (CTCAE)
Synovial cyst16.18.01.004; Available
Systemic lupus erythematosus23.03.02.006;; Available
Systemic lupus erythematosus rash10.04.03.005;; Available
Tachycardia02.03.02.007--Not Available
Tearfulness19.15.02.0050.000166%Not Available
Temporomandibular joint syndrome17.14.01.017; Available
Tenderness08.01.08.005--Not Available
Tendinous contracture15.07.01.001--Not Available
Tendon disorder12.01.07.019; Available
Tendon rupture15.07.01.008; Available
Tenosynovitis15.07.01.004--Not Available
Tension19.06.02.0050.000456%Not Available
Tension headache17.14.01.004; Available
Therapeutic response unexpected08.06.01.0010.010907%Not Available
Thinking abnormal19.10.03.001; Available
Thirst14.03.02.007; Available
Throat irritation22.12.03.029; Available
Throat tightness22.12.03.031; Available
Thrombocytopenia01.08.01.002--Not Available
Thrombocytopenic purpura23.06.01.007; Available
Thrombocytosis01.08.02.001--Not Available
Thrombophlebitis24.01.02.001--Not Available
Thrombosis24.01.01.006--Not Available
Thyroid disorder05.02.01.002--Not Available
Thyroid neoplasm16.24.01.002; Available
Thyroiditis05.02.04.001--Not Available
Tic19.11.04.001; Available
Tongue discolouration07.14.02.0060.000176%Not Available
Tongue disorder07.14.01.0020.000560%Not Available
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