Adverse Drug Reaction Classification System

Pharmaceutical Information
Drug Name Dorzolamide
Drug ID BADD_D00712
Description Dorzolamide is a non-bacteriostatic sulfonamide derivative [A1304] and topical carbonic anhydrase (CA) inhibitor that treats elevated intraocular pressure (IOP) associated with open-angle glaucoma and ocular hypertension.[L11377] It works by blocking an enzyme in the ciliary process that regulates ion balance and fluid pressure in the eyes.[A1303] Unlike oral CA inhibitors, dorzolamide has negligible effects of acid-base or electrolyte disturbances and other systemic adverse effects.[A1304] First marketed in 1995,[A190624] dorzolamide is available in ophthalmic solutions as monotherapy marketed as Trusopt [L11377] or in combination with [timolol] as Cosopt PF.[L11380]
Indications and Usage Dorzolamide is indicated for the management of elevated intraocular pressure in patients with ocular hypertension or open-angle glaucoma.[L11377] It can also be used in combination with [timolol] for the same indication in patients who are insufficiently responsive to ophthalmic beta-blockers.[L11380] Its pre-operative use was also investigated to prevent elevated intraocular pressure after neodynium yttrium aluminum garnet laser posterior capsulotomy.[A190183]
Marketing Status approved
ATC Code S01EC03
DrugBank ID DB00869
KEGG ID D07871
MeSH ID C062765
PubChem ID 5284549
NDC Product Code 70377-081; 14445-404
Synonyms dorzolamide | 4-ethylamino-5,6-dihydro-6-methyl-7,7-dioxide-4H-thieno(2,3-b)thiopyran-2-sulfonamide | 5,6-dihydro-4-ethylamino-6-methyl-4H-thieno(2,3-b)thiopyran-2-sulfonamide-7,7-dioxide | dorzolamide, (trans)-isomer | Dorzolamide Chibret | MK 507 | MK-507 | Trusopt | dorzolamide hydrochloride | L 671152 | L-671,152
Chemical Information
Molecular Formula C10H16N2O4S3
CAS Registry Number 120279-96-1
Chemical Structure
ADRs Induced by Drug
*The priority for ADR severity classification is based on FAERS assessment, followed by the most severe level in CTCAE rating. If neither is available, it will be displayed as 'Not available'.
**The 'Not Available' level is hidden by default and can be restored by clicking on the legend twice..
ADR Term ADReCS ID ADR Frequency (FAERS) ADR Severity Grade (FAERS) ADR Severity Grade (CTCAE)
Vision blurred17.17.01.010;
Visual field defect17.17.01.001; Available
Visual impairment06.02.10.0130.001304%Not Available
Balance disorder08.01.03.081; Available
Conjunctival hyperaemia06.04.01.004--Not Available
Eyelids pruritus23.03.12.005; Available
Eye pruritus06.04.05.006--Not Available
Eyelid irritation23.03.04.023; Available
Cystoid macular oedema12.02.02.005; Available
Optic neuropathy17.04.05.005; Available
Drug intolerance08.06.01.0130.000821%Not Available
Treatment failure08.06.01.0170.014077%Not Available
Concomitant disease aggravated08.01.03.0630.000241%Not Available
Drug ineffective for unapproved indication12.09.02.002; Available
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