Adverse Drug Reaction Classification System

Pharmaceutical Information
Drug Name Fentanyl
Drug ID BADD_D00879
Description Fentanyl, a potent opioid agonist, was developed in the 1950s to fill a need for strong and rapid analgesia.[A179542] Because of these characteristics, fentanyl is commonly used to treat chronic cancer pain or in anesthesia.[Label,L6598,L6601,L6604,L6607,L922,L6610,L6613] Fentanyl is related to other opioids like [morphine] and [oxycodone]. Fentanyl's high potency has also made it a common adulterant in illicit drugs, especially heroin.[A179542] In 2017, 47600 overdose deaths in the United States involved some opioid (over 2/3 of all overdose deaths).[L6748] Opioid overdoses kill an average of 11 Canadians daily.[L6751] Fentanyl was FDA approved in 1968.[Label,L6598,L6601,L6604,L6607,L922,L6610,L6613]
Indications and Usage Fentanyl intravenous or intramuscular injections are indicated for short term analgesia during induction, maintenance, and recovery from general or regional anesthesia.[Label] These injections are also used with a neuroleptic for premedication, induction, and as an adjunct to maintenance of anesthesia.[Label] Finally, fentanyl intravenous or intramuscular injections are used with oxygen for anesthesia in high risk patients.[Label] Fentanyl sublingual tablets, transmucosal lozenges, buccal tablets, sublingual sprays, transdermal systems, and nasal sprays are indicated for the management of breakthrough pain in opioid tolerant cancer patients who require around the clock pain management.[L6598,L6601,L6604,L6607,L922,L6610]
Marketing Status approved; illicit; investigational; vet_approved
ATC Code N01AH01; N02AB03
DrugBank ID DB00813
KEGG ID D00320
MeSH ID D005283
PubChem ID 3345
NDC Product Code 59116-2642; 55700-753; 60505-7008; 60505-7016; 60505-7017; 59116-2645; 60505-7015; 60505-7083; 63629-4813; 47781-427; 63459-541; 63629-4976; 0378-9126; 60505-7010; 60505-7080; 59116-2643; 47781-424; 60505-7006; 60505-7087; 63459-544; 63459-548; 0378-9125; 59116-2641; 64181-0008; 47781-423; 60505-7012; 60505-7013; 60505-7082; 63459-546; 0378-9121; 0378-9127; 60505-7011; 0378-9119; 0378-9122; 55700-973; 60505-7086; 63629-4974; 59116-2646; 55700-597; 60505-7014; 60505-7085; 0378-9123; 59116-2640; 47781-426; 47781-428; 55700-772; 60505-7007; 60505-7009; 60505-7081; 60505-7084; 63459-542; 0378-9124; 59116-2644; 55700-748; 55700-749; 55700-972
Synonyms Fentanyl | Phentanyl | Fentanest | Fentanyl Citrate | R-4263 | R 4263 | R4263 | Sublimaze | Transmucosal Oral Fentanyl Citrate | Duragesic | Durogesic | Fentora
Chemical Information
Molecular Formula C22H28N2O
CAS Registry Number 437-38-7
Chemical Structure
ADRs Induced by Drug
*The priority for ADR severity classification is based on FAERS assessment, followed by the most severe level in CTCAE rating. If neither is available, it will be displayed as 'Not available'.
**The 'Not Available' level is hidden by default and can be restored by clicking on the legend twice..
ADR Term ADReCS ID ADR Frequency (FAERS) ADR Severity Grade (FAERS) ADR Severity Grade (CTCAE)
Sinus node dysfunction02.03.03.017--
Anal incontinence07.01.06.029;
Depersonalisation/derealisation disorder19.14.01.004--Not Available
Alcohol interaction08.06.03.0030.000825%Not Available
Brain neoplasm malignant17.20.04.002; Available
Endometrial cancer metastatic21.07.02.012; Available
Lung carcinoma cell type unspecified stage IV16.19.02.006; Available
Metastases to bone16.22.02.005; Available
Pancreatic carcinoma metastatic16.13.10.003; Available
Slow response to stimuli17.02.05.0630.000211%Not Available
Terminal state08.01.03.0790.000211%Not Available
Breast cancer metastatic16.10.01.008; Available
Colon cancer metastatic16.13.01.012; Available
Ovarian cancer metastatic21.11.01.013; Available
Right ventricular dysfunction02.04.02.0330.000211%
Small cell lung cancer metastatic22.08.01.012; Available
Stress cardiomyopathy24.04.04.026; Available
Acute lung injury22.01.03.0100.001269%Not Available
Poor feeding infant14.03.02.022; Available
Toxic leukoencephalopathy12.03.01.059; Available
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder19.21.04.004--Not Available
Brief resolved unexplained event22.11.02.012;; Available
Drug use disorder19.07.06.0120.002326%Not Available
Elbow deformity15.10.03.012--Not Available
Electric shock sensation17.02.07.024; Available
Inadequate analgesia12.02.20.006; Available
Intestinal pseudo-obstruction07.02.02.0200.000317%Not Available
Mucosal disorder08.01.06.029--Not Available
Myocardial injury02.04.02.0460.000846%Not Available
Pneumonitis aspiration22.01.01.0310.000317%Not Available
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Drug Name ADR Term Target
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